
Friday, June 20, 2014

A Surprise Filled Tech Week

"And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." -Luke 6:31
"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement." -John 7:24

I have recently found myself at the end of two very difficult tech weeks. One for dance and ballet, the other for theater. If I had to pick a favorite I couldn't, but one definitely shocked me more then the other.

The first tech week I entered was dance and ballet. A tough one to start out with for sure, because it is very physically demanding. It was great though. Everything came together beautifully! It is amazing how compassionate a bunch of over-tired, worn out, hungry, ballerina's can be. You would think it would be the opposite, more like war, with peoples heads being bitten off every minute, but it wasn't. It was like the epitome of a great big happy family! Everyone helping another, from highlighting the schedule for someone else, to bringing girly pink cupcakes, and of course helping everyone you see with make-up, hair, and costumes. It was so sweet.

 We ended that tech week renewed and refreshed in kindness, and praising the Lord for His goodness. After a nice break of about 19 hours we began tech week two! This is the surprising one. Theater. The chosen theater production this year was a play called Joe Bob. It was a comedy.... based on the book of Job.....that takes place in Texas.....Yep. Let me just say when we (the class) found out what we were doing, honestly I do not think a single one of us were excited. We didn't tell our teachers that. No way. But inside, I think we all thought this was going to be super tacky. I mean a comedy based on Job. Oxymoron much. And reading through the script did not encourage us. I make this sound like it was horrible, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. Even though it was not the play I would have picked, I knew that God had a plan. Obviously there was someone out there who needed to hear this message. And let me tell you this story definitely had the message.

The surprise was how much it ended up being able to impact us, me in particular. It was definitely a great lesson on not judging a book on it's cover, or maybe not underestimating what Dale Johnson (One of Directors) can do! It was one of the simpler plays we've done, but it was also one of the best. Though I didn't think it possible it really did challenge us as actors and actresses. I know particularly for those girls who fell victim to the sudden shortage of guys in our class. It was a fantastic experience. It has now become a favorite production ever done. How could this be? God. It's His story. I cannot wait to see what He has in store!

I am going to put a plug in for the Theater class this coming fall. We need some more people who want to learn, and have fun. Weather you think your talented or not come anyways! You could be a complete natural, and you could find that it something you absolutely love! So come try it out for a semester! And be sure to tell any guys you know too. Our class could use some merry men.