
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pancakes And Pajamas (100% Whole Wheat Pancake Recipe Included!)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."
~Ecclesiastes 4:12 

(Jessica, Malitta, and I)
Last night some of my best friends, Malitta and Jessica, spent the night at my house. We, being the old people we are, can no longer seem to stay up as late as we used to, those young sprites. Long story short we were asleep twenty-two minutes into Tangled. Yes.. 
Morning dawned and though we may not seem much like night people, I do believe it took us an hour to finally show our faces upstairs. Waking up was hard too. But most of that time was spent talking, and talks with friends I would not trade for the world. 
At this point the next step is breakfast. I am one of those people who is often reminded that, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." While that may be true, I usually do not eat breakfast. I just tend to never be hungry, never have time, or just never remember. But as a good hostess breakfast is step 2 after good conversation. What goes better with a sleepover then pancakes right? Well, most of the time.  
Dilemma: What pancake recipe?  
Pancakes are like chocolate chip cookies, you can spend your entire life trying to find the perfect recipe. This would be why your grandmother bakes the best chocolate chip cookies, or the older lady across the street. Despite my previous old profession above, I must confess I really am not that old (shocker), but I have found a pancake keeper! Below is my go to recipe for pancakes. They are my absolute favorite! And they are pretty healthy too! 
Malitta and Jessica are always quick to jump in and help, which makes breakfast ten times more fun! So a great idea if you have sleepover is to invite your friends to join in with making breakfast. It can be a lot of fun! :D 

100% Whole Wheat Pancake Recipe~

3 c. whole wheat flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3 Tbsp. honey
3 eggs
2 c. whole milk, or unsweetened almond milk
1/2 c. coconut oil melted

In a large bowl, mix together dry ingredients Add eggs; mix slightly and continue adding remaining wet ingredients. Stir until well combined. Using 1/3 c. measuring scoop, ladle batter on to heated griddle or pan sprayed with cooking spray. Cook 1-2 minutes until bubbles appear. Flip and cook additional 2-3 minutes until fluffy and golden brown. Enjoy! 
When I make this recipe we grind our own wheat berries to make the whole wheat flour. From this flour we can make multiple items from scratch besides pancakes, we make our own bread, rolls, pizza crust, tortillas etc. If you do not have the available of grinding your own wheat though I would encourage using store bought whole wheat rather than all-purpose flour. I also use almond milk instead of whole milk. And I use coconut oil with a taste, it is the best part! Also these will make a lot of pancakes! The original recipe said 16, but when my friends and I made it today we had probably nearly 25. 

You can find the original recipe here:

Nothing like pancakes in pajamas with these cuties! Beyond blessed by their friendship! <3

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." 
~Proverbs 27:17