
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Poetry and Writing

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
~Romans 12:2

That is a wonderful verse. One that I most defiantly recommend memorizing.

Today I would like to show you some of my poetry or writing. I am just beginner, so some of them might not be as good. Right now the only writing I do is for fun or school, but maybe one day I may take it higher. Only God knows. 

I believe this poem was the first one I ever wrote. It was inspired by my brother. I had to cover some of the senses, smell, feel, hear, see, and taste. I used many, although I did not use all of them. 

My Brother's Room

My Brother's room smells like socks.
The floor is always covered,
It needs to be mothered.
You can often hear the crunching of thing beneath your feet,
And wonder what my brother has had to eat.
You can't see a thing:
So you must be careful when walking through his room,
My advice for my brother is to get a broom!  

I hope I can say I have come a long was since then...

My assignment for this one was to write as if you were an object and then have the reader guess what object you were.

I am a steady place to lay your head,
I am not one that must be fed.
You can tell me your sorrows, and cry me your tears,
For I stay the same throughout the years.
I have many secrets that must be kept,
Many dreams I have known in the times you have slept.
How often do you think of me when you roam?
Yet no matter where you go, you can always think of me as your home.

That was about a bed.

Next was to write about one of my favorite actives.

I feel the light shining on my face,

Doing this is nothing like a race,
My voice is loud and clear.
When I am finished I the cheer
I am not me anymore, 
For I am someone from another shore.

That was about Theater.

This next one is a different type of poem. This is my:

  Cinquain Poem 

Calm, wild,
Bubbling, drifting, tumbling,
Away, away it goes,

This one is also different. This one takes the shape of a diamond.  It is my: 

Diamante Poem

Challenging, Rewarding
Speaking, Teaching, Learning
Actors, Lines, Dancers, Music
Turning, Jumping, Posing
Graceful, Joyful

These next two are more about nature.

The Difference Between

Robin's fly,
Up, up in the sky.
Penguin's lie,
In their suit and tie.

Marigold's have come,
Bringing with them fading sun.
Lady-slippers, though not on the run,
Always fit in some time for fun!

Emotions of the Willow

The Willow is a graceful girl
Who dances in the light,
Who smiles and plays throughout the days,
Yet weeping in the night.

This one I  was to write part of a prayer, as well as embody repetition.

A Prayer From My Heart to Above

If I made many a wrong choice,
If I have opted not to listen to Your voice,
If I have forgotten to give thanks and rejoice,
Gracious Lord, forgive!

In this one I was to write as if I were David writing one of the Psalms, as well as to ebody repetition in this one too.

My Psalm

Oh Lord, how great are Your works.
Oh Lord, how mighty is your name.
Oh Lord, Your grace is never ending,
Your love is never failing

All Mighty Father, You keep us safe from danger.
All Mighty Father, You rescue us from the deep pits.
All Mighty Father, You protect us with Your light,
Your arms encircle around us.

My King, though the darkness surrounds us.
My King, thought the enemy tears at our bodies and spirits.
My King, though fear may try to overtake us,
Your will I seek to follow.

Well, there are some of my poems. I hoped you enjoyed them. And if you ever have any suggestions on how I could make them better, I would love to hear it. :)