
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Three Words (Part 2)

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
~Ephesians 4:29

"But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment."
~Matthew 12:36

Okay, so the last time I told you about my three favorite words, and I can't very well leave the cup full.  So, let's drain it a little bit.  Then you can decide weather it is half full or half empty. :)  I am going to tell you my three least favorite words. 

Word 1:

A person who never laughs

How sad is that!

I honestly cannot imagine anyone who doesn't laugh, although I am sure there are plenty of people who do not. I mean there has to be or there wouldn't be a word for them. Laughter is one of the very best gifts God has ever given us.  It is the best medicine out there.  Talk about a boost! I love to laugh, and even sometimes get in trouble for laughing too much. But hey, I would much rather get in trouble for laughing then not ever laugh at all. 

Second and Third:

These next two go together.  They are words I cannot stand. 

conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or average.


Gossip (AKA: Talking behind someone's back):
casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people.

These two go together, because when someone fails to be normal, they usually get gossip.  Our society is so focused on the need to be normal, perfect, and just like everybody else. When someone fails to meet these standards they fall into the torture pit of gossip. Being talked about behind their back. None of us can be normal, otherwise there would be no unique.  My dad says this a lot, "Normal is only the setting on a dryer."

We are supposed to build people up, not tear them down.  It's verbal bullying, and you might not even know it. When someone acts, dresses, or speaks differently then you do, that does not give you reason to criticize them, cut them down, or talk about them behind their backs? We have all done it before.  No, one is perfect, but please take the time to stop and think about what you are saying.

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