
Friday, September 6, 2013

Three Words (Part 1)

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
~Psalm 19:14

Words can have a big impact. Take a moment to think about words. What can they be used for? Many, many, things right? Love, hate, fear, sorrow, to tear down, to build up, to describe, etc. I have three favorite words.

The first word is:


being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

I think this word is amazing.  It is one that everybody needs to remember.  God made me unique, unlike anything else!  Even twins are different; even they are unique, one of a kind.  I will not and never could be copied.  I do not need to copy someone else either; an original is much better then a copy.



 a strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling.

This word can have many different meanings.  I mean it only has a couple of dictionary meanings, but it can mean a lot of different things to people personally. It could mean, finding something valuable, a health goal, a trek across a mountain, or an aim for knowledge.  For me it means a mission to spread God's love across the world.  To give a never-ending gift to those who need. 


a feeling of trust.

Hope is just a word, H-O-P-E.  But what it stands for, the feeling that I associate with it, is so much more. A feeling of trust. Trust in God. That is where my hope comes from, God.  Without Him we would know no hope. There would be no hope to hope for.  So I thank Him that I can put my hope, and trust in Him, and know that I am completely safe in His arms.  

These are my three favorite words, and why I like them!  :)  Words are more then just letters on a page.  They are keys, gifts, to the inner being of people.  With words comes responsibility  a lesson I am still learning. 


  1. Good post Becka! I still have yet to write mine... ;)

  2. Thank you very much! I read your posts yesterday and today! They were both really good, and halarious, as always! Great words! :D
