
Friday, March 6, 2015


"O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation."
~Psalm 95:1
(Malitta, Me (Rebekah), Jessica, Courtney, and Michaela)

A few months ago a few of my close friends decided we would come together and sing a mash-up together. We were joking around on a name for ourselves and since we love Pentatonix, one of our Mom's, those loyal supporters (They're best!), suggested PentaChicks. It is most definitely not our actual name, but we do still call ourselves that...secretly, or at least I do. :D 
Anyways, we had an annual Winter Concert Performance coming up at the studio we dance and act at  and decided that if all went well we would try to audition our song for the performance. 
Guess what! Our song along with multiple dances, other songs, and a theater skit was performed. It was terrific! We also decided to put our cover up on YouTube so everyone else can see it too! 

You can check out our cover Here: K-Love Mash-Up
We would love for you to watch our video, like it, comment, and share! Let us know what you think? Also check out CeeCee&Sister's (Michaela and Courtney's) videos and covers they are super amazing! <3

 (During the performance)
(Rejoice Dance Ministry)
(Theater during the performance)
(Some of the theater group after)

I love singing with these girls and hopefully we will be able to get some more covers up for you guys, and also a new name.  So if you have any name ideas for us comment below and help us out! :D