
Saturday, June 22, 2013


~Isaiah 41:10

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

That is one of my favorite verses, and I hope it will encourage you today.

Did you miss me? :) Today I think I will tell you about Theater. I hope you like the subject, but don't worry I won't write a 3 page paper.

I have been involved in Theater professionally for the past 6 years, before that I just enjoyed the roll of "Drama Queen" in our house. I have been blessed to be able to do both dance and theater.

The first real performance I was in was in was called "Scrooge and the Spirit of Christmas First," in which I played a beggar woman from the Bible.  (The woman who touched the edge of Jesus' cloak)

That is me and my darling little sister 

Since then God has given me multiple opportunities to honor Him on stage, and I have really grown. I have been able to be involved in numerous  performances. 
Here are a few of my favorites:

"Last Sin Eater" (Cadi Forbes)
 "Last Sin Eater"
 "Any Number Can Die" (Zenia, the Haitian)
 Radio Theater

 "Oliver Twist" (Nancy)
 "Any Number Can Die" (Backstage)

I have had a ton of fun, and I hope to continue doing theater for a long time! I treasure each role God has placed into my hands, and I pray that with each and every one I continue to glorify Him.

Friday, June 21, 2013

About Me

I am writing this blog because I love to write and I am embarking upon a very important mission. A mission to glorify God. I thought blogging would be a great way not only to glorify my creator, but to write and share my thoughts, experiences, and tips, with you.

Let me introduce myself to you. Hi, my name is Rebekah. I am 14 years old (Almost 15) and I am going into 9th/10th grade in the fall of 2013.  I love Jesus with all of my heart!  And I strive to glorify Him with everything I do!  I have been home-schooled my whole life.  I love having my Dad as my principle, my Mom as my teacher, and my siblings as my class mates. I am blessed to have two older brothers and a younger sister. Here is a picture of my family:

That is us! I will tell you who is who. From left to right it goes, Dad, Mom, Daniel (20), Emilee (11), Matthew (17), and me (14)

Here is a little bit more about myself

Favorite Colors- Yellow, Blue, Pink, and Purple. (That is in order. Yes, I have a lot.)

Favorite Animal- White Bangal Tiger

Favorite Flower- Gladiolus

Favorite Food- Ice Cream (Yum) 

Favorite Season- Fall/Autumn 

I love to spend time with God, read, write, create, cook, act, and dance!

I have been dancing since I was 3 and have a deep love for using the gifts God has given me to bless others! I have been trained in many styles of dance including, Ballet, Pointe, Liturgical, Lyrical, Jazz, Modern, and Hip Hop.

A few pictures:
"God Made Me" (The story of creation) Ballet 

 "Old Women in the Shoe" (How to love the way God calls you to) Ballet

"The Twelve Dancing Princesses" (Not to lie, and how to forgive) Ballet

"Bridge Over Troubled Waters" (Lyrical)

 "Hold Me" (Jazz)

"Pure Bride" (Modern)

The thing I love about where I dance is that no matter what it is we are doing it is always about God.
 "The Old Women in the Shoe" for instance, does not talk about God, but my dance studio made it so that the entire performance is about God. It just is amazing the way God can use dance!

I have had the opportunity to be apart of "Rejoice Dance Ministry" this past year, and I can say I have defiantly been challenged to a new level of dancing for God's glory.

Yes, these are my girls! 

We have had an absolute blast! (As you can tell)

Rejoice is a dance ministry that uses our gifts to praise the Lord in our community through dance.  This past year we have been able to spread the gospel through dance at many events.  We have been to churches, festivals, parades, holiday celebrations, etc.  I have grown so close to all of these young ladies.  I really hope I will be able to be apart of this next year as well.

Moving on...

 I think I will leave my next post as a surprise.  You will just have to come back soon and find out. :)