
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Christmas Shoe Boxes

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
~ 1 Corinthians 15:58

So....I realize it is the middle of September, and Christmas is 3 months away. But hey, you can never start too early, right? I hope you just agreed! Haha!

This year I have set a goal. I guess it could be considered a pre-New Year resolution. No, I do not plan on getting more fit, or a better education, or to quit smoking. Although all good things, I am going to be putting together my own shoe box! 

Not to put shoes in them. I am going to make an Operation Christmas Child Shoe box!


In case you do not know what an Operation Christmas Child shoe box is, let me elaborate. There are children all around the world who will not be getting anything for Christmas. Every year Operation Christmas Child organizes for MILLIONS of shoe boxes to be sent to children around the world. But it is up to us to pack the boxes being sent. What do you have to do? You get a shoe box, pick an age and gender,

fill it with things you think your child would like, and then give a minimum of a $7 donation. You can pack things such as crayons, paper, pencils, toothbrushes, stuffed animals, hard candy, toys, socks, hair brushes, etc. 

This year, like I said earlier, I am packing my own! I have chosen a 10-14 year old boy. I tried to pick what I thought would be the hardest age. :) I am really excited, and I have already been able to get a few items!

 If you want to pack your own Christmas Shoe Box you can get all the information you need at: 

You can even have packing parties in your church, or neighborhood!

If you have any cool idea's for me to pack in my own box, I would love to hear them! It truly is,
"the most wonderful time of the year!"  


  1. Great post! I have some idea's! For 10-14 year old boys you could give them:
    Binoculars, school supplies, tools, (hammer, nails, etc.) soap, hair brush, soccer ball w/pump, baseball with mit, tape measure, yo-yo, slinky, compass, socks, ball cap, belt, flip-flops, umbrella, stickers, tee shirt, silly bands, puzzles, stuffed animal, harmonicas, hard candy!
    I hope you liked some of these ideas! Can't wait to read your next post!

  2. I'm so excited to read your blog posts! I am subscribing :)
