
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Italian Country

"He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
~Mark 16:15

There are many places I hope to see someday.  One I think about most is Italy.  I have heard many things about Italy, such as their culture, food, and language.  Often I find myself daydreaming about Italy, and visiting one of their more traditional cities.

There are many things to smell, see, hear, feel, and taste!  Take pasta for intense. Imagine smelling the pasta as it cooks, the thick smell of tomatoes as they are cut up and tossed into a bowl, the feel of the noodles as you pick one up to taste, and the taste as it is slowly savored in your mouth.  Or as you slowly make your way down a crowded street, think of everything to hear!  The sound of children as they run trying to catch each other in a game of tag, the vendors as the shout in a foreign language trying to convince mothers and others to buy their items over their neighbor's.  Think of what you could see!  The gently laid cobblestones that make up the street, the flags of green, red, and white hanging high from a balcony, the people quickly hurrying to fulfill their daily tasks, the brightly colored flowers worn in a young girls hair.  All of these things are part of Italy; they are what make Italy, Italy.

Italy's cities are quite different from cities in other places, like New York City.  New York city is filled with very modern things modern, cars, clothes, and electronics.  While a large city in Italy, such as Venice, give the feel of culture, history, and traditions.  New York is always busy, nothing ever stops, and from sun-up to the next sun-up people are always busy going places.  You see boats, pulling into the harbor at all hours of the day, cars zooming, and planes flying fast high above.  New York is also not the cleanest place.  New York is so big and so busy that it can never stay clean!  Kind of reminds you of your bedroom doesn’t it. :)  While people in Venice may be going places you get the sense of people taking time to slow down and enjoy stops along life.  It’s also more tidy and quant.  So if you are the type that never stops moving and craves modern things, then I would suggest going to New York City.  However, if you are the type that enjoys old traditions, good food, and a slower pace, then I would suggest putting Italy on the top of your list!  It’s on mine!   

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