
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Have You Gotten Your Calender Mixed Up?

"There is a time for everything,
        and a season for every activity under the heavens"

            ~Ecclesiates 3:1

In the past I have been a huge advocate for not bringing up Christmas until after Thanksgiving. (P.S. Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday) 

I was that person. The one always getting on people for listening to Christmas music, or even mentioning it before Thanksgiving had safely passed by. Did they get their calenders mixed up? I mean really, can you not wait a few weeks before you go wild on the red and green. Now, do not get me wrong. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! It truely is one of the best time of the year! I love celabrating Christ's birth, and all the joyful festivities, but I prefer to go wild AFTER Thanksgiving has sailed by.


This year I am the one obsessed with Christmas when it is still the middle of October! Golly gumdrop! I just cannot wait! But I have to. I have to remind myself that ,"there is a time for everything."  This year God has given me an oppurtuinity to enjoy each and every season of life. Instead of dying for Christmas! I can blame listening to Christmas music on me trying to find a song for dance, which is some extent. Hehe! Patience, patience is a virture. If Mary could wait 9 months to see her Savior, then I can wait 2 to celabrate His birthday! :)    

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