
Monday, February 17, 2014

Words Experiment

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

~ Psalm 19:14

With Valentines Day just behind us it leaves me in particular wonder.  Valentines day is a day focused on love.  For our family, and many others I am sure, it's focus is on words of love and acts of kindness.  It's a day that puts others first by love.  As I look back over this holiday I am amazed.  How joyful the day can be when we use kind words.  I look back at how happy everyone was, just because it was a day spent on building people up.  Imagine that! 

I while ago I ran across an experiment done, well two in fact. One down with rice and another with water.  In the rice experiment, rice was cooked and placed evenly into two identical jars, and were kept next to each other.  The only starting difference between the two was that one had the word, Hate written on it, and the other one had the word, Love written on it. The experiment lasted for 30 days. During those 30 days, as people passed the jars the would say loving words to the jar marked, Love. Words such as, "Your beautiful", "I love you", "You're so sweet", "Happy".  When people walked by the jar marked, Hate, they would do the opposite, saying words such as, "Your ugly", "Stupid", "I hate you", "Dumb".

After the course of 30 days one jar had become moldy, gooey, soupy, and rotten, while the other remained significantly more preserved.  Can you guess which one was which? The Love jar had remained almost the same as when it had been placed in the jar. (However I would not recommend eating it!) :)  The Hate jar had grown just as disgusting as the word, hate, itself. 

This is just one experiment on words...
In Japan there is a man named Masaru Emoto. During the 1990's Emoto performed experiment on the power of words with water. The result was amazing!  He showed water's reaction to words such a, "Thank you", "I will kill you", "Love and appreciation", "You make me sick", and many others.

                                  Before Prayer                                     After Prayer

 You Fool

Love and Appreciation

It is amazing isn't it, what affects simple words can have.  Just imagine then how powerful your words can be to others.  You may not be able to see people rotting as you can the rice, but hateful words have the same effect.  Love on the other hand transforms, particularly God''s love.  If He loved you so much He would send His son to die for you, can you not love others? 

For those of us who are visual people, such as me, remember this the next time you open your mouth. Or think bad of others.  Both your words and your inner thoughts should be full of  love. The same experiment of rice was done with thoughts instead of words and do you know what the out come was?  The same as the experiment with words.  Bad thoughts=Bad rice, Good thoughts=Good rice.  This means it is not just about changing your words, but about changing your heart.  Do you want to know the great thing about that?  It's not impossible.  It's not impossible, because Christ first loved us.   

I encourage you to try this experiment.  I plan on trying it myself.  Some have done it with three jars, hating one, loving one, and just ignoring the other.  I may try it with three as well.  It will be a wonderful visual for me.  And if I ever need to get some of my anger out I can go talk to the rice!