
Monday, March 24, 2014

Mistakes of the Past, Forgiveness in the Present

 "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens."
~Psalm 68:19
Mistakes are often made.  There are many times I look back and I wish what I had done had not happened.  Yet, errors are something that cannot be altered.  I wish the pain in eyes of the other one involved would go away.  Though that is something I hold the key for.  I wish I could go back and change my past.  But the past is something that cannot be changed.  The past is something that changes us.  Whether for the better or worse, I cannot say, that choice is yours to make.

It could be a lie, a push, a name, a taken possession; any one of these could be the root of what might have torn me from a person I cared about.  Yet what can I do?  I wonder how someone could ever let go of the fact that I had slipped up?  I wonder if things will ever be different from the way they are now.  When I think about all the things I have done in my life, I get a sickening feeling deep down.   How could I make people understand that I didn’t mean what I had done?  Yet I know that though faults are made, there is one who can ease the pain.  Who could ease the pain of such a crime?
The healer and bearer of our burdens is Jesus Christ.  If you give Him a chance He will help you change you future and fix your past.  Though we cannot change the fact that we have messed up, we can still make a difference through those errors.  A good difference!  You can do good by learning from such a fault.  By asking others to forgive you.  In this way you are telling others that you are truly sorry for your actions, and that you want to be a Godly example from now on.  Forgiveness is hard to give, and hard to receive, but it makes a huge difference just by trying.  Just by showing others you care about what happened, and you want things to change things.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”  Dr. Seuss

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