
Monday, March 3, 2014

Temporary Collections

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
~Matthew 24:35

When you walk in my room, one of the first things you see, is a large bookshelf full of figurines.  These are not just any figurines, they are music boxes.  Although not very many are actually in the shape of a box.  The reason there are so many, is because I collect them.  I have been collecting music boxes since I was around 7 years-old.  My first music box  was a glass cradle with a small china doll in it and a picture of me as well.  The one to follow were from my mom, she collected music boxes too.  Over the years, birthday's, and Christmases, "Music Boxes" has been a routine thing on my list.  I now have around 30 music boxes, each one different and unique.

When my sister was around 10 she decided she wanted to collect something too.  She thought about plastic decoration flowers, bear figurines, rocks, china dolls, and many other things.  After thinking it through she finally decided that she would start a collection of Precious Moments Figurines, and purses.  Every girl could use a collection of purses right?  Totally.  At age 11 (almost 12) her collection has blossomed too.  Once she got past the decision making process, she was good! 
Other's in my family have collections as well.  My brother, Daniel, and his fiance, Abigail, collect coffee mugs.  In honor of the recent engagement, for Christmas I got them mugs that go together, one said, "I said yes!" and the other said, "I popped the question!"  They get mugs everywhere they go.  So cute!  My other brother, Matthew, has two collections. He collects comics, and books.  He has like a mini library in his bedroom!  A library of deep, theological stuff, like C.S. Lewis, Tolkien the complete works of Aristotle, etc.  

If you are in the process now of deciding what to collect, or you are thinking about doing something fun let me tell you collecting something is a lot of fun.  Not over board collecting, for you must remember that life is temporary.  Here are some fun ideas of collections....

What You Could Collect:


Drink Coasters


Condiment Packages

Guitar Picks

Keys or Stamps


Pez Dispensers

Rubber Ducks

 Snow Globes

Willow Tree Figurines


Tea Cups

Toy Cars


These are just a few great ideas to start off your own collection.  They are super fun to do and hold a lot of great memories.  One thing you must remember though, is that although they are a fun thing to do on the side, having a collection should not control your life.  They are temporary pleasures that will pass away.  Make sure you true joy is God, not in worldly pleasures.  Have fun!


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