
Monday, December 16, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
~1 Corinthians 10:31

Thor: The Dark World lived up to many expectations. For me they exceeded the expectations and went just a little too far.  Many people had been counting down the day until this movie would be released, myself included.  As the showing of Thor began I sat in a theater filled with many other anxious enthusiast awaiting the beginning of this new sequel.  

The movie started out on a fantastic note.  As the lights dimmed and the camera rolled I was immediately thrown into an intense introduction battle.  Even though I was quickly tossed into the movie, there was now feeling of being lost or not knowing what was going on.  At this point it was very easy to follow and comprehend what was happening, but you must remember I was only about one minute into the movie.

After dramatically setting the stage the movie continued onto a more familiar scene as the stars of this production, Loki, Thor, and Jane, were gradually introduced.  In the movie it focused on each person’s separate lives before bringing them together.  This was a very wise thing to do, as I was able to identify with each one individually, and feel their emotions before the movie gained too much speed.

Thor himself had a slight change of character in his sequel compared to the original.  In the original movie I remembered him as the arrogant, foolish, stubborn, child, who yearned for war and battle.  When watching the Avengers I began to be introduced to a more controlled, responsible Thor.  In this sequel he has changed from that rebellious, belligerent son to a wiser, more grown-up Thor.  While still the same character, he has more wisdom and strength over his emotions.

As the movie continues and the plot unrolls, they audience escalated into several battles.  It is here that a breech is seen in the walls of mighty Asgard, and one begins to doubt its survival and leadership. I am reminded of Thor’s power; yet wonder if it enough.  It is here that I realize Loki has not changed.  He is a cruel, heartless, person.  I watched in suspense as things began falling apart.

The first heart tripping death occurs.  In sadness, and for some tears, I watched as I believe there is no hope left.  Now two walls have been cracked, Asgard’s and Loki’s.  In this heart wrenching turn of events you realize Loki has a heart. He demonstrates vulnerability, that he has feelings and emotions.  For me this was more scary than the heartless Loki.

As the audience is thrown back and forth between earth and space things start getting more confusing.  What will be the next step?  My hope is now put in the vulnerable Loki.  Things are thrown back on side.  There is hope for Asgard, as plans are made and action is taken again. Friendship is ruling.  As the big battle occurs people, things, feelings, and humor are flying everywhere.  I feel my heart soaring has hits are given.

The battle ends, and as in every drama, I am drawn into a touching scene.  I am surprised as it ends in wonder on who is still left and who is gone.  It does not end on that touching note however, but rather on a much weirder one.  Giving the perfect set up for Thor 3 and Avengers 2.

With everything considered, this movie was great, however there were many things that could be changed for the better.  The humor was good, but often times I thought the attempt to make things funny ended up hurting what was going on.  A lot of the crude humor could have been taken out to make the movie even better.  The movie started out simple and easy to understand, but it did not stay that way.  It is difficult to jump back and forth from earth to sky and not have people lost. Unfortunately, for Marvel they did not accomplish this feat.  As the movie picked up I felt confused, and a lot like Thor’s hammer being tossed around.  Something else that could help was the weirdness level.  It was too weird in too many places.  If they had played down the weirdness level, and crude humor, it would have run much smoother and I would not have been so lost.

Overall Thor: The Dark World is a movie worth watching.  This movie was unlike any I had seen.  This movie had so many unexpected turns you never knew what would be next.  There was not a single time I thought I knew what was going to happen next, that I was right.  There are not many movies that can accomplish this, but this one did.  I watched in wonder and awe at each trick thrown in, each direction change.  The stakes are high for the next Marvel movie.

~Hasta Luago Caiman!    

Monday, December 9, 2013

Oh, The Places To Go

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." 
~Matthew 28:19

Have you ever dreamed of traveling somewhere? Well, let me tell you I sure have. My travel expereince consists of just about nothing. While it is true our family has moved several times in it's existense, we still have managed to leave out a HUGE chunk of the world. Let me put this in some figures for you.

Out of the 50 states of America I (personally) have lived in 2, Tennessee and North Carolinia.

Out of the 50 states of America I have visited 9 states, Tennesse, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolinia, South Carolinia, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, and Maryland. (Aka Washington, DC)  

Out of the roughly 196 counties of the world I have been to, 1, the Untited States of America.

Which further means tha out of the 7 continents, I have been on only 1, North America. Although I should get some brownie points for living in that continent too! 

And if I continue to go even further out of the 9 planets, (Yes, I count Pluto) I have only been to 1, I haven't even been to a moon! Lame right I know, but Earth is pretty cool.

I love where I live. I have no desire to, "Shake the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and see the world," as George Bailey would say. (It's A Wonderful Life) I love my town very much, but I would love to travel someday.

Places to go...
New York
New Zealand
And any place possible for a missions trip.

I may never get an actual chance to see the busy streets of New York, the paintings in Italy, sheep in New Zealand, the filming spots of Sound of Music in Austria, and I may never go on a missions trip. Do you know what though, I am ok with that. I will follow God wherever He leads me and If I never leave this, "crummy little town," then I will be content with serving Him from here. 

But whose to say you can't dream a little. "HOT DOG!" :D

Hasta Luago Caiman! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter's Secret

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
~Ecclesiastes 3:1
To some winter is an enchanted time, the snow gently covers the earth in a blanket of soft white, icicles glisten on houses like Christmas lights, and families are being drawn closer together.  To others it is the most dreaded season of the year, when you are always cold, your shoes and clothes are constantly wet, and the days are shorter than could ever possibly be wanted.  Many seem to overlook the secret that winter carries.
With winter come many of the most anticipated holidays.  One of them is Christmas.  Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ and His birth.  To man, the birth of our Savior was the start of a new beginning.  He was the King who had come to save us from eternity in a place so bad we cannot even begin to comprehend it!  
After Christmas comes New Years.  New Years marks the start of another year.  This could be a new beginning, or the start of many hard times, or even just another year like the last.  No matter what the answer is, both of these holidays have something in common.  They are a start.  They are the beginning of something big, something that could be life changing.      

 Winter is the chance to start over.  When God gives us salvation, He gives the chance to be cleansed, to be restored through His love and His blood.  He offers us a new beginning.  Like a rainbow, winter is a reminder of a promise.  The promise is that Jesus has washed you white as snow.
To several, winter means death, the time when life curls up and dies.  It is the moment when everything goes into hiding, when animals and people become afraid of the world around them.  Yet the real secret of winter is that it does not bring death, but the chance to start a new life, a new beginning.    
Hasta Luago Caiman!