
Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter's Secret

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
~Ecclesiastes 3:1
To some winter is an enchanted time, the snow gently covers the earth in a blanket of soft white, icicles glisten on houses like Christmas lights, and families are being drawn closer together.  To others it is the most dreaded season of the year, when you are always cold, your shoes and clothes are constantly wet, and the days are shorter than could ever possibly be wanted.  Many seem to overlook the secret that winter carries.
With winter come many of the most anticipated holidays.  One of them is Christmas.  Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ and His birth.  To man, the birth of our Savior was the start of a new beginning.  He was the King who had come to save us from eternity in a place so bad we cannot even begin to comprehend it!  
After Christmas comes New Years.  New Years marks the start of another year.  This could be a new beginning, or the start of many hard times, or even just another year like the last.  No matter what the answer is, both of these holidays have something in common.  They are a start.  They are the beginning of something big, something that could be life changing.      

 Winter is the chance to start over.  When God gives us salvation, He gives the chance to be cleansed, to be restored through His love and His blood.  He offers us a new beginning.  Like a rainbow, winter is a reminder of a promise.  The promise is that Jesus has washed you white as snow.
To several, winter means death, the time when life curls up and dies.  It is the moment when everything goes into hiding, when animals and people become afraid of the world around them.  Yet the real secret of winter is that it does not bring death, but the chance to start a new life, a new beginning.    
Hasta Luago Caiman! 

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