
Thursday, September 26, 2013

History, Will it Always be a Mystery

"But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revelealed." 
1 Peter 4:13

History is a big deal to me. I happen to be quite a history buff. It is one of my famorite subjects in school. To me it is so fascinating to learn about people who lived a long time ago. 
 My favorite time period is the 1800's. 

If I could travel back in time, this is where I would go. I also would love to travel back to the renaissance, or the Great Depression. You might be asking why anyone would want to relive the Depression, and that is a very logical question. My reason for going to this particular time, and event, would be because people cared. They were not so concerned with themselves, as we seem to be nowadays. 

My favorite history to study, is family history. I love family trees! I like to know who came before me, what I am made of, what is in my blood. I like to where I am from, as if that makes a difference on where I am going… ;)

I have gotten pretty far in my studies, but have only been able to trace back to my great-great-great-grandparents. It is tough work, but I am getting there. I have already found out a lot about the countries I am from.
I am:

(This is are Tartan. Our Familes spicific design. No other family has this design, only the Davidson Clan)


and Native American (Probably Cherokee)

Often times though I get so consumed with finding out my past, that I forget that the only past that truely matters is Jesus. He is the past that will effect who I become the most. He died on the cross to save me, and then rose again, conquering death. Do you want to know the best part? He is not just my past, He is my past, present, and future! How amazing is that. I have been given a whole book and more to learn about Him. He is truely the only thing that will ever matter. He is who I stive to be like, who I stive to find out more about. The ancestral history I long to know may forever by a mystery, but the history God has given me never will be a mystery.    

Monday, September 23, 2013

Unique Weddings?

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."
- Genesis 2:24

Everyone dreams of that classic wedding right? 

WRONG! In our day and age many people want to stand out at their weddings. If you are one of those people you're in for a real treat! Let's explore some unique ideas, shall we?

This dress is one of the most important parts right? How do you take a classic white dress and make is your own? Well, you can start my not making it white...

Or maybe keeping it white and changing the style...

I mean you can be a cake topper bride and still stand out...

Add a dash of color.....

And you've got it! There are some awesome unique wedding dress ideas out there.

Next, how to stray away from tradition! 

Too sweet! I am feeling ya! How does this sound instead....

The Burger


 Tower of Pizza



Early riser? Want a cake to match your personality......

(My personal favorite…)


Something light and airy....

Have a love for donuts…?


Scared about cutting the cake? Problem solved....

Cake in Cups

Cake Pops

Cookies all around!


Can anyone say "Twinkies!"

Ring Bearer:
Last but not least I want to leave you with some unique ring bearer ideas.

Have no little kids in mind? That's okay, toys and robots will do just fine....

Robot Dogs

A ring out of this world?

Do not want to leave your beloved pet out?

Bessie is essential. 

Too slow bud, I am going to get there first!

Pigs can be sophisticated!

Man's best friend...

Or maybe you do have some kids in mind, but do not know how to make an entrance with them...

Ring Security*

Too little?

Pick me!

There you have it. Some awesome and unique ways to stand out at your wedding! Make a "Wow!" impact. Add a little spice to your sugar. I mean what is life without a good laugh right?

But just remember it is not just your day, put God at the center and treasure what is most important. A wedding dress, cake, or ring bearer will only be temporary pleasures, God is eternal.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Christmas Shoe Boxes

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
~ 1 Corinthians 15:58

So....I realize it is the middle of September, and Christmas is 3 months away. But hey, you can never start too early, right? I hope you just agreed! Haha!

This year I have set a goal. I guess it could be considered a pre-New Year resolution. No, I do not plan on getting more fit, or a better education, or to quit smoking. Although all good things, I am going to be putting together my own shoe box! 

Not to put shoes in them. I am going to make an Operation Christmas Child Shoe box!


In case you do not know what an Operation Christmas Child shoe box is, let me elaborate. There are children all around the world who will not be getting anything for Christmas. Every year Operation Christmas Child organizes for MILLIONS of shoe boxes to be sent to children around the world. But it is up to us to pack the boxes being sent. What do you have to do? You get a shoe box, pick an age and gender,

fill it with things you think your child would like, and then give a minimum of a $7 donation. You can pack things such as crayons, paper, pencils, toothbrushes, stuffed animals, hard candy, toys, socks, hair brushes, etc. 

This year, like I said earlier, I am packing my own! I have chosen a 10-14 year old boy. I tried to pick what I thought would be the hardest age. :) I am really excited, and I have already been able to get a few items!

 If you want to pack your own Christmas Shoe Box you can get all the information you need at: 

You can even have packing parties in your church, or neighborhood!

If you have any cool idea's for me to pack in my own box, I would love to hear them! It truly is,
"the most wonderful time of the year!"