
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Family Nights

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
~Philippians 4:8

We have a lot of family time in our family. It is wonderful to be able to spend so much time hanging out together. We often run it to a problem though. 
What to do!
That seems like the age old question that gets asked. "What movie are we watching?" "What game are we going to play?" It used to be dreadful, but now we have figured out things that everyone loves, and focus on those things, while still trying new things as well!
This post is to help you with family night ideas. To help you break the ice.

These are some of our family nights...

Sunday: Each Sunday we have Pizza Night. Mom makes homemade pizza from scratch to finish, but it is not hard. After she has made the dough we all come in and help cut up, and put on the toppings. We usually make three pizzas, meat (For the boys), veggie (For the girls), and half cheese half peperoni. (For the picky eaters) After the pizza is made we lay out the pizza blanket, have pizza, and watch a movie. (Side note: The pizza blanket is an African blanket my uncle gave us that we lay out to eat on.) Some of our family's favorite movies include: 
October Baby
Fly Wheel
Facing The Giants
Grace Card
The Waltons Episodes
The Blind Side
Evan Almighty
and of course Duck Dynasty Episodes!

TV Shows: During the summer our family TV show was America's Got Talent we would all gather round to watch in awe and giggles as our favorite performers walked on stage. In the fall and winter our family show is Survivor. On TV show nights we settle down in our chosen spots to enjoy the fun activities on screen. A good perk for these nights is a bowl of popcorn and some snugly blankets.

Mini Family: Apart from complete family nights we have what I like to call mini family nights, or one on one time. These nights typically involve just Daddy and daughter. My mini night is watching The Amazing Race with my Daddy, on Mondays after I get back from dance. My sister's mini night is watching old TV shows like, Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, and The Brady Bunch before bed occasionally. They also like to play cards sometimes, Kings Corner, Go Fish, etc.

Game Night: Our game night is any weekend night that everyone is home, but often times it is now anytime we are all together whether it is Tuesday at lunch, or Saturday night. After taking a survey of my family, I am able to give you every one's favorite games.

Emilee - Clue
Dad - Monopoly
Mom - Blokus
Daniel - Risk 
Matthew - Rook    
Me - Balderdash
Other favorite include:
and Bohnanza

Family nights in our house can be rambunctious, crazy, and very competitive, but one thing is for sure, never underestimate the power of family time! 

~Hasta Luago Caiman!     

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