
Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy 18th Birthday Matthew!

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."

~Psalm 127:3

Guess what today is? It is my amazing brother's 18th birthday!!!! 

 I cannot believe how grown up he is! It seems like just yesterday we were playing dress up, building legos, playing basketball, and so much more.

 Being the middle children we were partners in crime, but the funny thing is that even though our activities have changed we are still partners in crime. :D Now I have the joy of new activites like going to mid-night premires, playing cards, picking on siblings, driving everywhere, and going to see AWESOME broadway musicals like The Lion King! I cannot say enough how much he means to me and how much he has given for me. He has the biggest, sweetest, kindest, heart and continually pours it out giving what he has to bless others. He has a strong heart for God.
 All I can say Matthew is to shoot for the stars. Set a goal and don't be afriad to set high ones! 
God has blessed you with so many talents! Violin, singing, theater, knowledge, writting, etc.

(Matthew as the guest soloist for the Greensboro Adult Orchestra:) 

I will always be right here to support you. 
Keep your eyes on God and begin to fly! <3  

<3 I love you! Partners in crime forever big brother! <3

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