
Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Conversation That is Worth it

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
~Ephesians 4:29

 I do veritas once a week. For those of you who don't know what veritas is, let me explain. Veritas is a when a lot of homeschoolers come together to make one day of what others call, "real school". They offer class such as Algebra, Biology, Chemistry, Debate, English, Writing, Orchestra, History, Literature, and more, for those mothers who do not want to teach every subject in their child's life. 

Today, I sat in the fellowship hall after English class at church. As I sat there waiting for my mom to come and pick me up I began to listen to the conversation around me. "People watching" is what became of my patience, or rather lack there of. I listened to conversations about what class room biology had been in last year, when someone was going to eat lunch, what homework assignment they had been given, what the latest episode was about, how comfortable some one's coat was, and mostly a lot about Twinkies.

You may be thinking, "Oh! What weird teenagers," or "Oh! What weird homeschoolers," but these were the topics of conversation around me. I sat there awhile listening to people's opinions on Twinkies. How bad they taste, how amazing they are, how plastic-like they are, how some thought they had stopped making Twinkies, some teasing about how un-American it was to say you didn't like Twinkies. Let me just say I don't like Twinkies (GASP! I know.) and I am still very much American. :) 

I began to think about what other were saying, what they were saying reflected them. No one was saying anything bad, the problem was that no one was saying anything really worth it. Every conversation I listened to had no real goal. I am not saying small talk is bad, but there is a balance to be had between the two. 

The conversations, made me think about what goals people should have. Not one time in a conversation did I hear the mention of God. He may not have to be in every conversation, but isn't our goal to make God the center. How can we put God first if we are to scared to even bring Him up in a conversation. So, I ask you. Listen to your conversations with others. How many of them have a purpose, or are the majority just words that will mean nothing when tomorrow dawns?

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