
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Biology's Lesson

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whom have been called according to his purpose."
~Romans 8:28

Biology is a fun subject for me. It is not one that I struggle with, yet also not one that I can breeze through. It is an "ok, so-so" subject. I do find lots of enjoyment in though. Maybe the reason I find so much enjoyment is because I feel like I am actually learning something. I can sit down and read a page in my module and when I am finished I have gained useful information that comes into effect as soon as I read it. Math on the other hand, well, lets just say I don't feel that way. Math is more of my struggle. When I am finished with a page of math, especially now doing Algebra, I feel as if I have gained nothing useful. I am not at all saying math is useless, I think it completely and totally useful, and worth learning. However finishing math I feel like there is nothing I can put straight into effect at that minute, rather it is something I learn now, to use later. Maybe that is why I struggle with it, because it is not immediate learning.

Last night as I was reading my biology lesson, I was reading a bible lesson. My lesson happened to be on parasitic worms. Lovely right. Well, I was reading about how each one is harmful if they get into the human body and I came across one in particular a worm called Trichinella Spiralis. This worm is parasitic and makes it's home first in pork and other raw meat, and then they can be transferred to human bodies through the intake of poorly cooked pork. Now, this is not meant to scare you from eating meat every again.My first thought while reading this was, "I am never ever eating a hot-dog again. Forget it!"  Living in fear of these little worms wont do much could either. I still plan on eating meat! :) Anyways as I was reading this my book (or really the author) brought up a biblical example. In the Old Testament the Lord specifically told Moses and others that eating raw meat is forbidden. When I was young I have to admit at times I considered the bible a huge book of laws, and is, but I thought of a lot of the Old Testament laws as useless, harsh, and completely impossible to keep up with. Boy, was I wrong! God does everything for a reason, He has a purpose. He knew that if the people ate this meat they would die because of worm infestation in their bodies. Those people had no idea that meat is supposed to be frozen at 5 degrees  Fahrenheit for 21 days or -22 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 hours. Where were they suppose to get a freezer anyways! Although this may have seemed like a cruel rule for them, it was there to protect them, even if they couldn't see the immediate reason why.

Even though I was supposed to take away a lesson all about worms last night, I ended up taking away so much more! We want immediate it is what our culture is all about. Immediate Internet, immediate food, immediate enjoyment, immediate weight loss, immediate friends, immediate popularity, immediate everything. What we have to learn in that everything is not immediate. God doesn't always give you immediate, so what do you do? Move on, change religions. No, that won't help. You have to go back to the ancient lesson that Patience is a virtue. Stop looking for immediate and start trusting in faithful. The quote below puts it perfectly.

“Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!” 
-Joel Osteen

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