
Monday, December 9, 2013

Oh, The Places To Go

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." 
~Matthew 28:19

Have you ever dreamed of traveling somewhere? Well, let me tell you I sure have. My travel expereince consists of just about nothing. While it is true our family has moved several times in it's existense, we still have managed to leave out a HUGE chunk of the world. Let me put this in some figures for you.

Out of the 50 states of America I (personally) have lived in 2, Tennessee and North Carolinia.

Out of the 50 states of America I have visited 9 states, Tennesse, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolinia, South Carolinia, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, and Maryland. (Aka Washington, DC)  

Out of the roughly 196 counties of the world I have been to, 1, the Untited States of America.

Which further means tha out of the 7 continents, I have been on only 1, North America. Although I should get some brownie points for living in that continent too! 

And if I continue to go even further out of the 9 planets, (Yes, I count Pluto) I have only been to 1, I haven't even been to a moon! Lame right I know, but Earth is pretty cool.

I love where I live. I have no desire to, "Shake the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and see the world," as George Bailey would say. (It's A Wonderful Life) I love my town very much, but I would love to travel someday.

Places to go...
New York
New Zealand
And any place possible for a missions trip.

I may never get an actual chance to see the busy streets of New York, the paintings in Italy, sheep in New Zealand, the filming spots of Sound of Music in Austria, and I may never go on a missions trip. Do you know what though, I am ok with that. I will follow God wherever He leads me and If I never leave this, "crummy little town," then I will be content with serving Him from here. 

But whose to say you can't dream a little. "HOT DOG!" :D

Hasta Luago Caiman! 

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