
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ballet Magnificat

"You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble: You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah."
~Psalm 32:7

Sunday night I had the most magnificent opportunity to go and see Ballet Magnificat perform "The Hiding Place."  

It was one of the best experiences of my life. The story was so powerful, and the dancers were so talented!  I could spend this whole post telling you about what an amazing move someone did in the second dance, or how far over their toes they were, or how the fabric of the costumes swirled with their turns, but I will spare you those details and talk about something even better. Although the costumes where gorgeous, and their extensions where beautiful, the thing that made the ballet so powerful was their faith.

Dancing was important to them, but that was not where their hearts lied. After they had told the story of Corrie and Betsie ten Boom, and they were one dance away from the end, they stopped the Ballet temporarily. The director came out and spoke. God spoke through her in a mighty way. She explained the story more, and presented salvation. Then she asked all the dancers to come out. They went into the audience to pray for those who needed it. They started playing a couple of songs, and the dancers waited as people came up to them for prayer.  Everyone in the audience was singing, and praying.  After a couple songs of worship they went back on stage to dance their last dance. As they were dancing I noticed that one girl was without a partner. I looked over the balcony railing and saw her missing partner standing at the bottom of the stage.  She was completely unmoved, praying with two young girls.  She did not care that she was missing the final dance, for what mattered most the her was God, and these two little girls.  It was a true testimony to me.  What an example she was being, showing Christ's love.

The last thing that testified to me was after the Ballet had ended, was that the dancers came out to meet the audience.  My mom went and shared her testimony with the director, and I went to see if some of the dancers would sign my program.  I walked around finding a few and began to notice a pattern as they sign their names.  They were not just signing their names.  Each one would sign their name and then proceed to write the location of a Bible verse or verses. 

Sally Monroe (Bestie ten Boom)- Psalm 91
Leslie Shivers (Corrie ten Boom)- Colossians 3:15
Jade Hundermark (Fraulein "The Snake")- John 1:9
Rebecca Colenda (One of The ten Boom's Friend)- Isiah 53

They are such great role models for anyone.  Much better then Lady Gaga, or Katie Perry. The best part is they strive to point to the greatest ever role model God.

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