
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bucket Listing :D

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

-Matthew 18:19

There are a lot of things I would like to do, and a lot of places I would like to go. I doubt all of the things on my bucket list will be in God's plans, though I do hope I will be able to do some of them!

Here is the start of my Bucket List:

This is one of the ones at the top of my list
But even though it is towards the top, I want it to remain in God's hands.

This is something I plan on doing, it is not so much of a wish, as the rest are.

Waiting on my brothers... :)

Definitely on my list!


Italy is the place I want to go the very most

I am more of a mountain type of girl, but if the beach looked like this I would totally do it!

New York! I have always wanted to go here, and it would be even better to go at Christmas time!

I have never ever been camping. I know shame on me, but I can't help it.

One day maybe, how fun

This is a big one!

 The blessings from God

I have ALWAYS wanted to do this! How cool would this be!

I ran into this, and I realized that I have never ever finished a complete bottle of nail polish, so now it is on my bucket list...

Yes! As if I don't already do it enough with craft projects!

 I am working on this now, so hopefully soon I can check it off!

 I love balloons!

I have memorized verses, but I want to memorize an entire chapter

This is so true! I want everyone to know!

I have always wanted to do this!

This is a weird one, but in the back of my mind it is there.

Practicing, so hopefully one day!

 *One of the most important ones on my list*

The dream of every parent, and soon to be one, and then me. :D

 Definitely want to do this!

I will!

 Although France is not the place I am dying to go, I would love to see the Eiffel Tower one day

This would be so cool!

I have wanted to do this since forever, even though I have a slight fear of heights...

One day, if the Lord wills, I want to be a missionary! 

Yes, I want to glorify God with my travels

 Now, you see me, now you don't! Probably two different countries the most!

I really hope to be able to check this off my list one day

Oh yes! 
This is last on my list, because it is one of the most important to me. One day I hope to be able to do this. I want to share the experience with someone I love. To grow in God, and love others, together! <3

That is my Bucket List. It's long I know, and the funny thing is I could go on and on adding things to it, but I won't! These are some fantastic hopes and dreams of mine. <3 Maybe one day…Lord willing.


  1. I love the last one<3 Hopefully you can check it off your bucket list after next year:)

  2. That's awesome because a lot of thoea thang I have always wanted to do too =D
    Amazing job (like always)
