
Friday, October 25, 2013

Driver's Education

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."
~Psalm 32:8

Everyone has to do it in order to legally get their lisence. Yes, I am talking about driver's ed.  Today was my last day of driving. Watch out world cause I am coming! 

As you know already I am homeschooled. Unfortunutely I missed the homeschool class in April and I had to take the class at a private school where I live. I call it the gumbo class, because this class was filled with homschoolers, public schoolers, and private schoolers from all around. 

The class was okay… I loved my teacher, but there were two things I didn't like! 

1- The talk and converstaion of those next to me

Okay so it was not as bad as I thought. I thought there was going to be language going everywhere, but there wasn't! I did not however like their conversation topics. I unfortunately sat next to a group of guys who were in their own group type thing. They didn't consider themselves more important then those around them, but you could tell they were a group. What bothered me was that I had to sit there and listen to them pick apart girls in their school for not being pretty enough, or exchange some pictures of girls who did fit up to their standards. 

2- The chairs!!!!

This was absoluely the worst part! I have a new apreciation for public schoolers after taking that class. The chairs were horrible and you had to sit in them for 8 hours. Call me crazy, but they were literally the worst part about the class. I do not know how people do it. I was dying after class was let out. The first day was the worst, but it didn't get much better the next few days. 

All I can say is.... Thank you Mom for homeschooling me, and thank you God for not letting me kill anyone while I drove!

Now I am off to the DMV to get my permit! 

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