
Thursday, October 17, 2013


"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own;

for you were bought with a price. Therefor honor God with your body."
~1 Corinthian 6:19-20

Modesty is big concern of mine. In this time and era everyone is so body crazed. Girls everywhere are encouraged to flaunt this and show that. The gap between modest and immodesty has grown so much that it almost doesn't seem to exist. So how do we uphold our modesty? 

The bible calls are bodies a temple of the Holy Spirit. What are temples? A temple is the Lord's Holy dwelling place. How you dress, and act is a direct representation of the Lord. He is dwelling in you. Should it not be an important goal of yours to dress in a way that would please the Lord? Also remaining pure, for your beauty lies on the inside.

Modesty does not mean ugly. Modesty is not something the hides your beauty, but rather something that accentuates your beauty. It does not mean you have to wear jean jumpers, and button up shirts all the time. It does not mean you cannot wear something cute, or wear bright colors. It means you are taking the time to show your true beauty, drawing attention to wisdom, rather than body.

Modesty is not something that just effects you. I have already said how you are representing God with the way you dress, but there are others as well. When you dress you are representing your family and your future or current husband. It is not just you that you have to think about. When someone looks at you, they see your family, and your husband. You should strive to bring not only honor to God, but honor to those around you.

Remember that though modesty may not give you immediate attention; the way flashy, and showy clothes will, in the longer run it will be worth it, for you will gain so much more then you think. You are choosing to glorify God with your body, and save what you have been given, for the man God gives you. It is something that releases true beauty. Giving you virtue, that is worth protecting. When you dress modestly you are telling the world that God matters most to you, and for that you will be blessed. What impact do you desire to make?



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