
Monday, October 28, 2013


"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

~Genesis 11:7

See that verse above? It is from the story of the Tower of Babel, and this is where I assume Spanish, French, Chinese, English, and so many other languages began. 

This being my first year of High school I had to decide what language I wanted to learn first.  Notice there I said first. There are many languages I would like to learn:

1. Italian
2. Spanish
3. Hebrew
4. French
5. German
6. Russian
7. Swedish
8. Greek
9. So on.....

How cool would it be to be able to speak so many languages! Then I would have polyglotism.

"the use of many languages, the ability to speak many languages." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) 

I could have picked any language to learn. I have always wanted to learn Italian, and almost picked that one to learn first. Italian is a hard language to learn, and I have to spend two years on the language I choose, so by the end maybe I will have started understanding it. :) As I was thinking though, it might be easier to learn another language first, then try grasping Italian. So....French. My brother's did French, I could learn that language, but then maybe not. How often would I be able to use French without traveling to France itself? Probably not much, so which language would be most beneficial? Spanish. Yes, many people speak Spanish. I could learn Spanish and could use it almost on a daily basis. So.... Spanish it is!

I have am committed to learning Spanish for the next two years. If I work hard I may be fluent in it. I hope so!

I am on my way to having polyglotism. Yeah! If you have any tips or pointer's on learning a language, they would be most welcome. 

~Hasta Luago Caiman!

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